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 10 Reasons Why People Don't Garden and How Strategic Gardening Solves Those Objections

1. I don't know how/have no experience gardening

 Strategic Gardening's Response (SGR): Our Guide to Strategic Gardening provides a step-by-step process to setting up a highly productive plot.

2. I don't know what to grow.

SGR: Our Guide provides recommendations on the most nutritious vegetables for your garden

3. I have poor/shallow soil on my property.

SGR: Strategic Gardening uses a raised bed where the soil is amended or brought in by a trusted landscaper.

4. I don't have enough space

 SGR: The Strategic Gardening is based on a highly productive 4' x 8' plot that can be expanded to meet your space requirements.

5. I don't have/want to purchase lots of gardening tools.

 SGR: Once the Strategic Garden plot is established, only a trowel for planting and a soil rake are required to maintain it.

6. Deer/rodents/insects always eat everything I plant.

 SGR: Strategic Gardening provides plans for a low cost structure that will deter pest from accessing your plants.

7. I don't have the time to garden.

 SGR: Once planted and mulched, managing the Strategic Garden plot largely consists of watering and harvesting; little else in required.

8. I don't know how/have limited experience preparing fresh vegetables.

 SGR: Strategic Gardening provides a food preparation guide with tested recipes for all recommended vegetables.

9. Why should I garden when I can buy better vegetables at a grocery store.

 SGR: Vegetables begin to lose nutrients as soon as they are picked and most produce at your supermarket was harvested days, possibly weeks   before your purchase. Also, unless it is organic, you have no idea of the level of pesticide residue. Freshly picked, organic produce will always be  the best and safest option.

10. Gardening is too much work

 SGR: Strategic Gardening is designed to generate maximum production output with minimal input. 

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