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How Much Food Should I Consume?

While we all may have a general idea how many calories we need on a daily basis, the best way to determine your daily nutritional needs is to use the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Below is a simple method to calculate your BMR as well as protein, fat and carbohydrate requirements based on age, weight, height and activity.


Equation to Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR

BMR Calculation with Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat Requirements

Men (example): 6 ft.tall, 200 lbs., 60 yrs. old

Height in Inches 72

Height x 12.7 = A   914

Weight in Pounds  200

Weight x 6.2 = B   1240

Age in Years 61

Age x 6.8 = C     408

Base Metabolic Rate  = A+B+66-C (Low Activity)


              914+1240+66-408  = 1812 calories/day

Light Activity BMR x 1.3 = 2356 calories/day

Moderate Activity  BMR X 1.4  = 2537 calories/day

Very Active  BMR x 1.5 = 2719 calories/day

 Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat Requirements

Protein BMR x 0.15/4           68 grams/day

Carbohydrates BMR x 0.55/4  249 grams/day

Fat BMR x 0.30/9              60 grams/day

Women (example): 30 yr. old, 130 lbs., 5.5 ft. tall 

Height in Inches   66

Height x 4.3 = A    284

Weight in Pounds  130

Weight x 4.4 = B     572

Age in Years:   30

Age x 4.7 = C     141

BMR = A+B+655-C 1370

            284+572+655-141 = 1370 calories/day

Light Activity BMR x 1.3    1781

Moderate Activity  BMR X 1.4    1918

Very Active  BMR x 1.5         2055

Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat Requirements (in grams)

Protein BMR x 0.15/4                    51 grams/day

Carbohydrates BMR x 0.55/4      188 grams/day


Fat BMR x 0.30/9                          46 grams/day

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